2014年北美最卖座电影《银河护卫队》正式宣布了启动动画剧集版《Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy》,该动画由漫威电视部门制作,将于2015年在Disney XD播出,日前,动画剧集版的海报也由片方曝出。 动画片将继续聚焦以星爵为核心的五人组的宇宙历险故事。@www.vv4.cc...
Black holes stand at the limit of what we can know. To explore that edge of knowledge, the Event Horizon Telescope links observatories across the world to simulate an earth-sized instrument. With this...
Ya Nina Lucky Girl is a realistic drama based on true stories. It is featuring a sudden change of life of successful TV star Nina after the cancer diagnosis and loss of her arm. The storyline takes t...