Michael and David are hurt to discover that someone they respect is not a fan of their work. David's plans to go to work and Michael's plans to visit a friend abroad are both scuttled by last-...
A gripping and shocking documentary composed of numerous colorized archive footage. Apocalypse: Verdun takes us to the infamous and bloody battle of Verdun that occurred in February 1916, when World W...
记录华尔街有史以来最大的商业丑闻,揭露一群绝顶聪明的高阶经理人,如何将美国第七大企业搞挂,轻轻松松卷走十亿美金,让投资人血本无归,上万员工失去工作。 本片根据安隆事件畅销书The Smartest Guys in the Room摄制,运用访谈画面、录音、企业内部数据制作而成,甚至揭露布什家族可能涉案的内幕。安隆案影响甚巨,不仅使全球五大会计师事务所之一的安达信(Arthur Andersen L...
Adapted from Culpables Series by Mercedes Ron. A different version from the original Culpa mía.
An 18-year-old girl moves from America to London with her mother and wealthy stepfather. She meets he...