斯塔克军火公司是美军在全球范围内第一大军火供应商,其新任掌门人托尼?斯塔克(小罗伯特·唐尼 Robert Downey Jr. 饰)风流倜傥,天资聪颖。他与公司元老俄巴迪亚?斯坦(杰夫·布里吉斯 Jeff Bridges 饰)合作无间,共同将斯塔克公司的业务推向顶峰。现 实生活中的托尼热衷收集名贵跑车,搞点儿发明创造,当然露水姻缘更不可少。所幸他身边有维吉尼亚?波茨(格温妮斯·帕特洛 Gwynet...
别名: Eugenie... the Story of Her Journey Into Perversion
Paris, the late 1960s. Madame Claude is at the head of a flourishing business dedicated to prostitution that gives her power over both the french political and criminal worlds. But the end of her empi...