PG-13 An endless army of shadow demons bent on the destruction of all reality swarms over our world and all parallel Earths. The only thing opposing them is the mightiest team of metahumans ever as...
梦工厂将于今年6月在Netflix上推出全新剧集《驯龙记:飞越边界(Race to the Edge)》。正值WonderCon的最后一天,梦工厂为漫展粉丝们带来福利,大家有幸先睹为快,观看了最新片花:小嗝嗝与没牙仔降落在一个破旧不堪的旧船甲板上,并深入到船内查看情况。然而船内机关重重,有各种陷阱和触发式武器,当两个伙伴成功来到船长室后,他们发现了称为“龙之眼”神秘之物,在他们打算带走这个装置...
Samadhi Part 1 is the first installment in a series of films exploring Samadhi, an ancient Sanskrit word which points toward the mystical or transcendent union that is at the root of all spiritualit...