本剧是CBS今年最热门的一部新剧,由艾美奖得主、在《急诊室的故事》(ER)、《阿法隆迷雾》(Mists of Avalon)和《亡命魔界》(The Lost Room)中有上佳表现的Julianna Margulies主演。故事主要描述政客Peter(Chris Noth扮演)因性丑闻和政治丑闻被捕入狱后,他的妻子Alicia Florrick (Julianna Margulies)不得不结束「...
Vivica A. Fox makes her Bring It On debut as Cheer Goddess, the Internet's most popular Cheer-lebrity. When Destiny (Prosperi), capta in of three-time national champions The Rebels, is challenged to a...
奥斯卡影帝凯西·阿弗莱克(Casey Affleck)日前加盟新片《老人与枪》(Old Man And The Gun),该片由罗伯特·雷德福(Robert Redford)主演,根据《纽约客》上的一篇文章改编。
福瑞斯特·塔克(Forrest Tucker)打从少年时就是个不法之徒,抢银行就是他的职业,进过十几次班房的经历还让他练就了“越狱”的本领——一共18次越狱,最近一次时他已70岁高龄...
If there's one thing that the men of Rockford Texas love as much as their women, it's their guns. But when a gun incident at a neighborhood school spurs one stay at home mom, Jenna (Andrea Anders), to...