A deadbeat dad, an insurance scammer, and an MMA coach must avenge their Kung Fu master's death but first - they need to call in sick at their 9-to-5's....
故事发生在一幢地处偏远的豪华饭店之中,爱丽丝(吉莲·安德森 Gillian Anderson 饰)和亚当(丹尼·戴尔 Danny Dyer 饰)正在进行一场充满了浪漫气息的完美约会,情到浓时,无法自持的两人决定开溜,前往一条荒无人烟的小路。灾难就在此时毫无征兆地降临了,一帮穷凶极恶的歹徒将亚当打到,美丽迷人的爱丽丝在枪支的威胁之下惨遭强暴。 这件事情在爱丽丝和亚当的心中留下了深深的阴影,警方...
In 1963, eighteen-year-old Patricia Weir is kidnapped and brutally raped. Committed to putting her attacker, Ernesto Miranda, in prison, Patty's life is destroyed by America's legal system as she trig...