表面上,雪莉(珍妮弗·加纳 Jennifer Garner 饰)是一名普通的大学研究生,实际上,她已为名为SD6的秘密情报组织工作多年。在同男友结婚之际,雪莉决定向其公开自己的真实身份,没想到男友却因此被组织的安全人员暗杀。愤怒中,雪莉选择了“罢工”,之后亦遭到了抹杀。 危机之中,雪莉知道了自己的父亲杰克(维克托·加柏 Victor Garber 饰)也是和自己一样的秘密特工,并且,在背后扶...
Having woken up in Hong Kong, with no memory for the last two years (!), Sydney returns to Los Angeles to try to piece together the last two years of her life and discovers the fates of her friends ...
Five months later. Sydney quits the CIA and joins a Black Ops unit called "Authorized Personnel Only" alongside Dixon, Jack, Vaughn and... Sloane whom for limited immunity is co-operating ...
A contemporary musical version of the classic Cinderella story in which the servant step daughter hope to compete in a musical competition for a famous pop star....
Based on the second book in the Casteel Series, Heaven has finally found the new life she always dreamed of with her newly discovered grandparents. Upon closer inspection, beauty and riches hide sinis...
炎热的假期,男孩里奇(查理·罗 Charlie Rowe 饰)和妹妹跟随身为考古学家的叔叔(Karl Urban 饰)来到了辽阔壮丽的阿拉斯加,体验一次难得的寻访史前动物的旅程。在森林中,他受到一只乌鸦的指引,竟然穿越时空来到了七千万年前的白垩纪中期。在某个厚鼻龙家族中,小家伙派西(Justin Long 配音)刚刚出生就被伤齿龙在脑袋上开了一个大洞,幸运活下来的他注定拥有传奇的一生。时光荏苒...
炎热的假期,男孩里奇(查理·罗 Charlie Rowe 饰)和妹妹跟随身为考古学家的叔叔(Karl Urban 饰)来到了辽阔壮丽的阿拉斯加,体验一次难得的寻访史前动物的旅程。在森林中,他受到一只乌鸦的指引,竟然穿越时空来到了七千万年前的白垩纪中期。在某个厚鼻龙家族中,小家伙派西(Justin Long 配音)刚刚出生就被伤齿龙在脑袋上开了一个大洞,幸运活下来的他注定拥有传奇的一生。时光荏苒...