家庭主妇凯特(安吉·迪金森 Angie Dickinson 饰)和丈夫的婚姻生活乏善可陈,儿子皮特又(凯西·戈登 Keith Gordon 饰)终日沉迷于自己的发明之中。对此她经常向艾略特(迈克尔·凯恩 Michael Caine 饰)求助,甚至想引诱这位高大英俊的心理医生。一日,凯特在美术馆里偶遇了一名男子,两人经过短暂的相互试探之后很快就干柴烈火起来。激情退却后的凯特想起了丈夫和儿子,觉得...
2028年,专事军火开发的机器人公司Omni Corp.生产了大量装备精良的机械战警,他们被投入到维和和惩治犯罪等行动中,取得显著的效果。罪犯横行的底特律市,嫉恶如仇、正义感十足的警察亚历克斯·墨菲(乔尔·金纳曼 Joel Kinnaman 饰)遭到仇家暗算,身体受到毁灭性破坏。借助于Omni公司天才博士丹尼特·诺顿(加里·奥德曼 Gary Oldman 饰)最前沿的技术,墨菲以机械战警的形态...
A series of no-holds-barred comedy from the likes of rising comics like Big Jay Oakerson, Joey Diaz, Liza Treyger, Yamaneika Saunders, Christina P. and Brad Williams....
Leopold Kroner, formerly of Colby Enterprises, is released after five years in prison for embezzlement. Andrew Colby, claiming that Kroner has threatened him, hires lawyer Bob Regan as a secret body...
An altruistic department-store owner hires ex-convicts in order to give them a second chance at life. Unfortunately, one of the convicts he hires recruits two of his fellow ex-convicts in a plan to ...