Astronomer Bill Whitley is so preoccupied with the new comet he's discovered that his time at the observatory sometimes comes at the expense of his beautiful wife, Vicky. When the neglected spouse bec...
Mystery writer Janet Frobisher lives alone in a dark English country house, when she's not philandering with her secretary's fiancée. At an extremely awkward moment, she has an unwelcome visitor Georg...
《狗咬狗》是关于三个刚出监狱正在适应平民生活的人。特洛伊(尼古拉斯•凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)是一位冷面的策划者,他寻求简单、干净的生活,但却始终逃脱不了他对体制的仇恨。迪塞尔是名匪徒,其兴趣全在他郊区的房子和爱唠叨的妻子身上。疯狗是三人中我行我素的那个,被内心的魔鬼所控制,总是惹是生非。 再干一笔,再赌一把,他们就会收手。特洛伊设计了一个完美的犯罪并且圆满完成,但接下来,他们发现无论...