The continuing search for Jeremiah Smith leads Scully to uncover encrypted data files whose purpose is not yet known. Being closely hunted by an unknown assassin, Jeremiah leads Mulder to a secluded...
FBI Assistant Director Walter Skinner is the prime suspect in a homicide involving a woman he was with the night of her death. Mulder and Scully are all he has to prove his innocence, as superior of...
2013年的地球一片荒芜,经历过一次毁灭性的战争后,世界原以建立的文明荡然无存,人类颠沛流离的生活在这片焦土之上,在饥荒与暴力下生不如死。一个名叫霍尔内斯特的恐怖组织,以其对居民们的暴力镇压而迅速扩张,规模庞大。组织的统治者伯利恒上将(威尔·帕顿 Will Patton 饰)甚至妄想统治世界。 一个无名无姓的流浪汉(凯文·科斯特纳 Kevin Costner 饰)被捕后,被强行加入了这个组织...
黑道分子波特(Mel Gibson 梅尔•吉布森 饰)和沃尔(Gregg Henry 饰)搭档,洗劫了某华人帮的14万现金,然而在事成之际,他却被沃尔和自己的妻子林恩(Deborah Kara Unger 饰)暗算。不仅钱被悉数卷走,还中弹险些丢掉性命。 伤愈归来的波特只有一个念头,要回应该属于自己的7万美元。为此他上天入地,大开杀戒,凡是阻挠他的人全被干掉。这笔在很多大人物眼里微不足道的小...
Foul play is suspected when an apparent suicide victim still has the gun in his hand, and a flower delivery woman is found crushed to death in the middle of a Cirque du Soleil performance....