Ten-year-old Gloria and her recently widowed grandfather Bud befriend a mysterious reindeer when the family gather for Christmas. Bud comes to believe that Prancer may actually be magical, but Gloria ...
故事发生在位于马里兰州安纳波利斯市的美国海军学院中,这所历史悠久的学院是诸多热血男儿实现自己理想抱负的最佳地点。作为百里挑一的优秀学员,杰克(詹姆斯·弗兰科 James Franco 饰)成为了海军学院中的一份子。可是,幻想着就此功成名就的杰克刚一入校,就被繁重的学业和严苛的训练压得喘不过气来,不理想的成绩甚至让他面临了被退学的危机。
In order to prevent a deadly explosion, an illicit crack team has 24 hours to drive two truckloads of nitroglycerine across a desert laden with danger....
The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show is an annual fashion show sponsored by Victoria's Secret, a brand of lingerie and sleepwear. Victoria's Secret uses the show to promote and market its go...