A singer holes up at a sinister estate to write new songs for his act. The ghost of his murdered wife begins to haunt him, then the person who actually killed her shows up at the mansion....
1:...And All Through the House 这个故事讲述一名在圣诞前夕谋杀了自己丈夫的女子正在处理尸体之际,曾在广播中报道过的一名有着强烈杀人倾向并乔装成圣诞老人的模样变态却逃窜到她家附近,而这时的她却无法报警.... 2:Reflection of Death 一名男子为了私奔,不惜抛妻弃子,深夜与情人驾车逃离本来的居处,可是在路上却发生了令人异想不到的恐怖事件,这个故事...
本片根据亨利·詹姆斯的小说《螺丝在拧紧》改编而成。19世纪末,美丽的女教师吉登斯小姐(黛博拉·寇儿Deborah Kerr 饰)来到乡下庄园照顾雇主的侄女弗洛拉(帕米拉·弗兰克林Pamela Franklin 饰)和侄子迈尔斯(马丁·史蒂芬斯 Martin Stephens 饰)。不久,吉登斯小姐发现自己常看到奇怪的影像,仿佛房子被鬼魂纠缠,孩子们也被魔鬼附体,说出或做出过分成熟诡异的话语或行动。...
A deranged writer murders a maid after she resists his advances. The writer engages his brother's help in hiding the body, and then watches as the brother becomes the prime suspect....