Joanna's holiday is shattered when her sisters tell her that their dad has dumped, he isn't responding to any calls and disappeared to a Caribbean island. The sisters decide to go to save their father...
Reports of Fallon's death are greatly exaggerated. She's very much alive, surviving a through-and-through gunshot wound, and wants to ditch the hospital to tend to her company's free-fall....
本(弗雷德里克·劳 Frederick Lau 饰)和大卫(大卫·史崔梭德 Devid Striesow 饰)是情同手足的兄弟,两人和母亲过着相依为命的生活。和普通人不一样,大卫虽然表面上是一位22岁的青年,可是他的心智却如同三岁小孩。这么多年来,本和大卫之间的感情非常的要好,在生活的方方面面,大卫都得到了本的精心照拂,如果没有本,大卫可能会过上和现在有着天壤之别的生活。 一场意外中,两兄弟的母...