Def Comedy Jam 25 celebrates the impact and legacy of the groundbreaking HBO comedy series Def Comedy Jam, which debut 25-years ago running from 1992 to 1997. Def Comedy Jam 25 celebrates the impact...
《月光男孩》导演巴里·杰金斯日前敲定新片,他将把知名作家詹姆斯·鲍德温的小说《假若比尔街能够讲话》(If Beale Street Could Talk)搬上大银幕,故事设定于上世纪70年代的纽约哈林区,主角是一对刚订婚的年轻情侣芬尼(Fonny)和蒂什(Tish)。芬尼被诬告强奸,而身怀六甲的蒂什将四处奔走寻找证据证明丈夫的清白。梅根·埃里森创立的安纳普尔纳将投资本片,也将和《月光男孩》制片...
In a dystopian future, the Vatican knows how to resurrect people. A priest discovers a conspiracy behind the resurrections and their possible link to a series of murders....