When a generations- long family curse turns Alex Vanderhouven to stone, it's up to his two kids, Pandora and Russ, and his wife Sky, to return artifacts stolen by their ancestors to their rightful hom...
Sailor Johannes Blom returns to his home port, after seven years at sea, to find that Sally, the girl he has been thinking of while away, is completely despondent. Seven years earlier, obstreperous Al...
喧闹的中学校园里,一群中学生正为了爱情和兼职忙得不可开交。高大帅气的布拉德(祖德·莱茵霍尔德 Judge Reinhold 饰)颇受欢迎,同时也是连锁快餐店的出色员工,但他和女友的关系似乎走到了尽头。布拉德的妹妹史黛丝(詹妮弗·杰森·李 Jennifer Jason Leigh 饰)对爱情充满憧憬,在好友琳达的劝说下对亲近男青年跃跃欲试。冲浪小子杰夫(西恩·潘 Sean Penn 饰)整日嗑药浑浑...
保罗(安东尼奥·班德拉斯 Antonio Banderas 饰)是一位曾经风靡一时的电影编剧,然而,就在妻子受不了他的自大和花心,最终选择离开他之后,保罗发现自己似乎失去了创作的能力,一个新点子也想不出来了。随着时间的推移,保罗的存款越来越少,深陷拮据境地的他不得不开始考虑卖掉手上的一间农舍来换点钱花,但由于农舍年久失修十分破旧,根本就没有人愿意接手这个烂摊子。 一次意外中,保罗结识了一位名叫杰...