Here's a modern-day film noir in which you're never sure what's real and what isn't real. There is a possibility you may get tired of guessing and give up on this film 3/4ths of the ...
Dr Jake Terrell, who has been training a pair of dolphins for many years, has had a breakthrough. He has taught his dolphins to speak and understand English, although they do have a limited vocabula...
一名女子Brooke(爱丽丝·伊芙 Alice Eve 饰)急着赶1:30开往波士顿的火车,然而终究晚了一步,Nick(克里斯·埃文斯 Chris Evans 饰)捡起她匆忙中遗落的手机,得知失窃的她必须及时赶回家中,Nick想要施以援手,然而信用卡不能使用,机缘巧合下,陌生的两个人通过彼此内心的交谈,重新找回生活方向。 这是克里斯·埃文斯的导演处女作,有点类似于理查德·林克莱特《日落之前》系...
美国核潜艇蒙坦娜号在深海追踪一个不明物体的时候不幸失踪,高压潜水钻台深海之心号工头巴德(艾德·哈里斯 Ed Harris 饰)接到命令负责配合科菲上尉(迈克尔·比恩 Michael Biehn 饰)前去营救。令人意想不想不到的是一同前往的还有跟巴德一直在闹别扭的妻子—— 石油公司工程师琳西(玛丽·伊丽莎白·马斯特兰托尼奥 Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio)。三人为主的救援...