When Outlaws on the lam invade the home of an unsuspecting, seemingly innocent, frontier family to hide out for the night, an unexpected game of cat and mouse ensues, leading to seduction, role revers...
Ben Annie are a young couple on a weekend trip to Annie's small North Carolina hometown who, after meeting a charming old friend, embark on an impromptu 'Bigfoot hunt' that threatens both their rel...
国际特种部队间谍吉姆(西恩·潘 Sean Penn 饰),为了他的爱人而想要退出组织,但天不从人愿,就在他完成最后一项“任务”时,为了确保自身安全与公司利益,他必须要人间蒸发匿身他处,与心爱的人从此分开。 离开组织在欧洲流亡多年后,吉姆以为能够脱离危险,就此过着平静的生活;无奈人生并非他想像中单纯,在刚果被神秘人物追杀的他,被迫放下所有,展开逃亡。逃亡途中他辗转联系到昔日战友,并寻求他们的协助,...
弗兰克(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)是一名急救医生,这个争分夺秒的工作让他在日积月累间承担了许多无形的压力。弗兰克救过很多人的性命,但也眼睁睁的看着很多人无奈的死去。这一次,他的急救对象是一个名叫罗斯(Cynthia Roman 饰)的女孩,不幸的是,罗斯最终死去。罗斯的死给弗兰克带来的前所未有的巨大打击,他甚至出现了幻觉,精神濒临崩溃。 在另一次抢救任务中,弗兰克遇见了老人波...
A lawyer whose wife has had an affair sets out to leave her by flying to LA. He becomes ever more involved in the lives of a few fellow travelers on a journey that ends up showing him as much about hi...