The storyline tells of how 42-year-old Teresa changes her holiday plans and spends the summer with her mother, Ani. However, living together day and night after so many years is not easy for either of...
本片故事取材于1984年加拿大家喻户晓的经典电影《La Guerre des Tuques(阻止战争的狗)》,本片在30年前上映时曾轰动一时,在全球超过125个国家上映,获得18种全球奖项。《冰雪大作战》还是首部引入中国的加拿大动画片,同时也是2015年加拿大本土制作的 电影票房冠军。 电影讲述一群生活在加拿大小镇的孩子,在寒假来临时,为了打发无聊的时间,小男孩卢克和刚到搬到镇子上的小女孩索菲亚...
The tragic and controversial story of Cameron Todd Willingham, who was executed in Texas for killing his three children after scientific evidence and expert testimony that bolstered his claims of inno...
A young mute woman, living in a small village, is expecting a baby. Her husband is at the same time writing a novel and using the villagers as his characters. In the creative process, reality and imag...
佐汉·德沃(亚当·桑德勒 Adam Sandler 饰)是一名供职于以色列情报机关摩萨德的特工人员,他身手矫健,力大无穷,而且天赋异秉。闲暇时沟女享乐,优哉游哉;接到任务时,便披挂上阵与来自巴勒斯坦的恐怖分子展开惊险刺激的对决。他干掉的对手不计其数,俨然一个新时代的救世主。但是谁都想不到,这个阳刚味儿十足的爷们儿心中竟然有着当美发师的梦想。他早已厌倦了打打杀杀的生活,渴望为了自己的理想而努力。 ...