高中生Wendy(Mary Elizabeth Winstead饰)与友人一起去游乐场庆祝毕业,大家玩得十分痛快。游乐场内灯火璀璨,却诡异处处。在坐上过山车的座椅时,Wendy忽然看到了怪异现象,心生恐怖,男友Jason安慰她不过是幻觉。过山车开动起来,可是在半空中突然出轨,大家倒挂空中。Wendy眼看着朋友一个一个坠落死亡,自己也不能幸免于难。
鲍比(彼得·费辛利 Peter Facinelli 饰)年纪轻轻,肩上却背负着父亲遗留下来的巨额债务,无奈之下,鲍比只得当起了小偷,整日里担惊受怕、东躲西藏的过日子。露西(杰米·亚历山大 Jaimie Alexander 饰)是鲍比的女友,两人之间的感情十分要好。某日,露西告诉了鲍比自己怀孕的消息,得知此喜讯,鲍比决定要给露西稳定的生活和幸福的家庭。
Felix Grandet reigns supreme in his modest house in Saumur where his wife and daughter Eugenie lead a distraction-free existence. Extremely avaricious, he does not take a favorable view of the beautif...
Updated version of the Agatha Christie book "And Then There Were None. In this version, the group is invited, under false pretenses, to an isolated hotel in the Iranian desert. After dinner, a ca...