J.D. Cahill is the toughest U.S. Marshal they've got, just the sound of his name makes bad guys stop in their tracks, so when his two young boys want to get his attention they decide to rob a bank...
本片记录了印度圣雄甘地史诗般传奇伟大的一生。1893年,24岁的甘地(本•金斯利 Ben Kingsley 饰)受邀前往南非任律师职,决心在当地带领印度移民开展非暴力不合作的抗议活动,并因此入狱。出狱后甘地回到祖国,在三八朗地区建立了高僧修行所,加入了国大党领导的印度独立运动,宣传非暴力不合作的斗争理念。运动中甘地曾四次入狱;在其不懈努力及国大党的带领下,印度独立终于提上议事日程,甘地也于1931...
In the aftermath of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the members of a PT boat squadron patrol Philippine waters and attack Japanese ships. The PT boat initially had little respect from senior Navy...