居住在加利福尼亚海滨的16岁的美丽少女波碧·摩尔(艾玛·罗伯茨 Emma Roberts 饰)家境优渥,衣食无忧。由于母亲早年去世,父亲盖瑞(艾丹·奎恩 Aidan Quinn 饰)对她纵容溺爱,致使她从小个性张扬,无法无天。某天,波碧的嚣张终于惹恼老爹,于是被送到一家英国寄宿学校学习。当然,即使到了异国他乡,波碧桀骜不驯的性格也未作改变,而她的作风自然也引起校内女生们的关注与反感,严格的校规更令...
19-year-old Moritz and Hannes have been best friends ever since they were kids. Everything changes the day Hannes is the victim of a motorcycle accident and falls into a coma. Moritz is convinced th...
When Pete and Omar lose their beloved Gran they go in search of Omar's estranged father, confronting him on the day of his daughters engagement party....
黑森林有一个村庄,三个经典童话按照既定脉络展开:饱受压迫的灰姑娘(安娜·肯德里克 Anna Kendrick 饰)想参加国王的舞会,但是坏心眼的继母和姐妹们想尽办法折磨她;杰克(丹尼尔·赫特斯通 Daniel Huttlestone 饰)将那头不再产奶的白色乳牛当做朋友,而妈妈却命令他将牛卖掉;小红帽(莉拉·克劳馥 Lilla Crawford 饰)装满好吃的面包,一蹦一跳朝着外婆所在的黑森林...