米尔德雷德(弗兰西斯·麦克多蒙德 Frances McDormand 饰)的女儿在外出时惨遭奸杀,米尔德雷德和丈夫查理(约翰·哈克斯 John Hawkes 饰)之间的婚姻因此走到了尽头,如今,她同儿子罗比(卢卡斯·赫奇斯 Lucas Hedges饰)过着相依为命的生活。一晃眼几个月过去了,案件仍然没有告破预兆,而警方似乎早已经将注意力从案子上转移了开来。...
It's supposed to be a fresh start One year after the loss of her husband, Nicole settles with her young adult children Justine and Jason in Purity Falls. First, the family is greeted by a warm welcome...
在茂密宁静的仓鸮森林,猫头鹰诺克图斯和妻儿们生活在一棵参天大树的枝干上。她的儿子索伦(吉姆·斯特吉斯 Jim Sturgess 配音)无比迷恋“守护者”的传说。据说很久以前,佩戴着钢喙的邪恶“纯种者”(草鸮)国王压迫猫头鹰子民,关键时刻守护者挺身而出,打败了国王及其爪牙,但失败者从未放弃复仇的念头。憧憬古老传说的索伦令哥哥库鲁德(瑞恩·科万腾 Ryan Kwanten 配音)颇为气恼,以致于被哥哥...
A listless grand-daughter, Chance Sinclair (Avery Konrad), is sentenced to live with her draconian grand-father, August (Timothy V. Murphy) after a violent incident at school and begins to question th...