Andrew, (Eugene Simon) on a quest to uncover hidden truths about his family history, provides a top-secret agency with his DNA in order to discover his ancestry. It's revealed that not only does A...
Lóri, a free spirited and a1rac3ve teacher, leads an ero3c life of love affairs, taking charge of her own desires and needs, whilst knowingly avoiding any a1achments....
An all-knowing interlocutor guides us through a series of affairs in Vienna, 1900. A soldier meets an eager young lady of the evening. Later he has an affair with a young lady, who becomes a maid and ...
13世纪,大英帝国在狮心王理查一世(丹尼·赫斯顿 Danny Huston 饰)的率领下与来犯的法国军队展开鏖战。孔武有力、骁勇善战的罗宾·朗斯特莱德(罗素·克劳 Russell Crowe 饰)是这群英国战士中的一员,作为射手的他曾随理查参加过十字军东征,在对法的战争中也表现勇猛。但是狮心王遭遇阴谋刺杀,罗宾接受与国王一同遇刺的罗伯特•洛克斯利的遗愿,摇身变成罗伯特回到英国。在王宫骗吃骗喝过后,...
维克多(加里·格兰特 Cary Grant 饰)出生于贵族之家,但如今他的家族早已没落,为了维持生计,维克多不得已将所居住的庄园向游客开放以赚取门票。维克多有一位非常美丽的妻子名叫海拉瑞(黛博拉·蔻儿 Deborah Kerr 饰),涉世未深的海拉瑞非常的天真单纯,一次偶然中,她邂逅了名为查尔斯(罗伯特·米彻姆 Robert Mitchum 饰)的美国游客,在查尔斯的哄骗和诱惑之下,海拉瑞献出了自...