The secret Nazi death camp at Sobibor was created solely for the mass extermination of Jews. But on the 14th October 1943, in one of the biggest and most successful prison revolts of WWII, the inmates...
Updated version of the Agatha Christie book "And Then There Were None. In this version, the group is invited, under false pretenses, to an isolated hotel in the Iranian desert. After dinner, a ca...
热爱音乐的米格尔(安东尼·冈萨雷兹 Anthony Gonzalez 配音)不幸地出生在一个视音乐为洪水猛兽的大家庭之中,一家人只盼着米格尔快快长大,好继承家里传承了数代的制鞋产业。一年一度的亡灵节即将来临,每逢这一天,去世的亲人们的魂魄便可凭借着摆在祭坛上的照片返回现世和生者团圆。 在一场意外中,米格尔竟然穿越到了亡灵国度之中,在太阳升起之前,他必须得到一位亲人的祝福,否则就将会永远地留在这个...
弗朗西斯(安·托德 Ann Todd 饰)自幼失去了父母沦为孤儿,被监护人尼克尔斯收养,两人过着相依为命的生活。尼克尔斯在弗朗西斯的身上发现了极高的音乐天赋,于是送她去罗伊尔音乐学院深造。在那里,弗朗西斯邂逅了名为皮特的年轻人。尼克尔斯认为两人之间的这段感情会影响弗朗西斯的学业,于是将她带去了巴黎,很快,才华横溢的弗朗西斯就在巴黎获得了极高的声望,最终成为了红极一时的钢琴家。 回到伦敦之后,弗朗...
Joe 'Tom' Yateley is an ex-convict. Trying to leave his past behind, he decides to starts working for the Hawlett Trucking company, which transports gravel. It's an aggressive company, where speed is ...