Written by Daragh Carville (Being Human), the third season introduces us to Lisa Armstrong’s replacement, DS Jenn Townsend, who struggles to balance her family’s house move alongside the pressures of ...
Henry Crabbe is a detective inspector who gets shot in the line of duty, following which he wants to retire to open a restaurant--the titular Pie in the Sky--as cooking, especially of good English-sty...
近未来,名为ZN1的神秘病毒蔓延全球,导致成千上万的人变成嗜血如命的丧尸,而被他们咬过的人则很快受到感染成为丧尸的同类。美国政府彻底瘫痪,人类面临灭亡的厄运。在上纽约一处临时聚集点,国民警卫队负责人查尔斯·加内特(Tom Everett Scott 饰)和搭档罗伯塔·沃伦(Kellita Smith 饰)迎来了意外的访客。来者名叫马克·哈蒙德(Harold Perrineau 饰),自称是三角洲部...
《童话归来 Once Upon a Time》的Robert Carlyle及《王冠 The Crown》的Victoria Hamilton将主演政治题材6集Sky One英剧《内阁作战室 Cobra》。这部Ben Richards负责执笔的剧集主角为英国首相Robert Sutherland(Robert Carlyle饰)及总参谋长Anna Marshall(Victoria Hamilto...