007(肖恩?康纳利 Sean Connery 饰)屡立战功,这次,他运用一系列新奇而惊人的武器,竟然单枪匹马就除掉了敌人的一支军队。由于007的出色表现,他获得难得的一个长假期。然而正在此时,魔鬼党却将军队的两枚重要的飞弹却被偷走,英国情报部无奈之下只好将正在炮温泉的邦德召了回来。经过调查,邦德发现这次计划的幕后首脑是狂人拉尔果(克劳斯?马利亚?布朗道尔 Klaus Maria Brandaue...
公元37年,显赫一时的罗马帝国开始进入最为淫靡黑暗的时期。77岁的老皇帝提比略(Peter O'Toole 饰)残暴昏聩,阴森恶毒,而他的继任者卡里古拉(Malcolm McDowell 饰)则有过之而无不及。卡里古拉是提比略的养孙,他长期与妹妹朱西拉(Teresa A nn Savoy 饰)私通,在位期间以残酷的手段杀害百姓和大臣,并因此取乐。为了巩固政权,他更杀害自己的弟弟以及曾帮助他谋取皇位...
Journey from the depths of the Pacific Ocean into the far reaches of space on a quest to find something that changes everything...signs of life, somewhere else in the universe. With cutting-edge image...
Born under the Christmas Star, Noelle believes she has the gift to perform miracles, so when conniving developer McKerrod threatens her peaceful life she and her friends determine to use this gift to ...
In a world where mythical creatures are real, monsters and humans are forced to coexist; and as prejudice and insecurity pulls everyone apart, three separate storylines manage to come together....