詹米·多南、彼特·丁克拉奇主演新片[我与赫夫共进晚餐](My Dinner with Herve,暂译)首度曝光剧照。影片由萨沙·杰瓦西([金属精神])执导,取材于他采访[神秘岛]主演赫夫·维勒查泽的真实经历,二人也因此成为挚友。1993年维勒查泽自杀,令杰瓦西倍感痛心,20余年后,这段往事被他搬上大银幕。...
Amelia, who wants to open a year-round Christmas store, bids for a shop lot against Vic, who wants to open a chocolate shop. Rivalry becomes romance when they must work together....
One day, a buffalo that ran away from a butcher’s runs through the whole village. All men of the village run out to catch the buffalo and make a fuss, while the peaceful village is stained with betray...