本片是《沉默的羔羊》十周年纪念日推出的续集,这一集故事仍然改编自作家托马斯哈里斯的小说。 从高度戒备的医院逃脱的汉尼拔(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)恶习难改,继续寻找他的“猎物”,不料成了曾在自己刀下侥幸活命的梅森(加里·奥德曼 Gary Ol dman 饰)的猎杀对象。梅森是一个罪大恶极的恋童癖,曾经强暴过自己的亲妹妹,年轻的时候逃狱,并且接受过人魔汉尼拔·莱克特的心...
故事发生在位于婆罗洲的原始丛林中,比尔(约翰尼·梅辛纳 Johnny Messner 饰)带领着他的探险小队穿行于其中,寻找着一种名为“血兰”的珍稀植物。在记载中,血兰拥有着能够使人长生不老的神秘力量,“几乎从未有人获得过它”的传闻也令血兰逐渐成为了传说。这一次,受一家著名的医药公司所托,比尔一行人决定揭开血兰的神秘面纱。 在离目标越来越近的同时,危险也不期而至。血兰的力量没有使人类返老还童,却...
811 AD, a family, isolated in their home, deep in the woods a few days travel from Birka. They are poor. The hunting and fishing has been bad for some time, and the father, Joar, takes the desperate m...
弗莱迪(罗伯特·英格兰德 Robert Englund 饰)将榆树街孩子残杀殆尽,只留下约翰一人,约翰在梦中重返榆树街,历经梦中的混乱后被丢弃在陌生的城镇。在“青年之家康复中心”里,一群问题少年斯宾塞、翠西等人正接受教师玛姬(丽萨·赞恩 Lisa Zane 饰)的管理与矫正,失去记忆的约翰也被发现后送到了这里,玛姬发现约翰和自己的梦境相关联,他们有同样的关于榆树街的记忆。为调查真相,玛姬与约翰驾车...
The world has been ravaged by vampires. A group of survivors band together to search for loved ones who may be alive, dead or something in between, eventually taking shelter in what may be the only sa...
Four young people come to Mallorca to enjoy idyllic summer holidays, but delving into the most inhospitable places on the island will begin a hellish journey....
After a governor issues an executive order to arrest the children of undocumented immigrants, the newly detained youth are offered an opportunity to have their charges dropped by volunteering to provi...