该电视改编自英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯的经典同名作品《圣诞颂歌》。一个痛恨圣诞节的老头通过几个圣诞鬼魂看到了他的过去和现在,在圣诞鬼魂的指引下,他懂得了圣诞节的真谛。他也意识到,自己的将来就把握在自己的手上,弃恶从善就要从改变自身的行为开始。 Made for television version of the Charles Dickens classic of the same name. An...
ynopsis from Time Out Film Guide Between the seemingly idyllic opening and closing scenes depicting a rural community, first at church, then at the village festival, Fleischmann attacks that community...
La storia del film, che riflette le vicende personali di Tini, racconta una nuova fase della vita della ragazza in cui diventa indipendente e si lascia alle spalle il mondo della serie Tv....
A film version of a play Fassbinder directed in Hamburg, Clare Booth Luce's The Women. It gave Fassbinder an opportunity to indulge his passion for working with women - there are forty women in the pl...