曾出品《飞天小女警》《德克斯特实验室》的著名动画制作人Craig McCracken离开卡通频道,加盟迪士尼之后的首部作品《星际漫步》(Wander Over Yonder),围绕宇宙中一个无忧无虑的流浪者Wander展开。Wander与自己的坐骑Sylvia自由自在地生活着,即便想要称霸宇宙的大反派Lord Hater经常四处作恶,破坏各个星球原本平静的秩序,看似什么也不在乎的Wander却总能...
Adult Swim另外一个招牌菜。 Based on the comic strip, Huey and Riley move away from the city and out to the suburbs with their irascible grandfather. Biting socio-political commentary ensues....
The eight toon participants are parodies of famous cartoon figures Spanky Ham is a downloaded internet cartoon as mentioned in a previous episode (Newgrounds.com). Captain Hero is like Superman (DC Co...
A baron, with the complicity of a starlet, organizes the theft of the cash wagon on a train, keeping the conductor and travelers at bay, a sample of various humanity: an honorable with the divorced se...