在威尔逊船长去世后,他的女儿简(卡琳·芭尔 Karin Baal 饰)来到黑林城堡处理后事,但她面临着一系列离奇的事件。首先是船长生前律师罗伯特声称船长曾商定愿意以10,000英镑出售城堡,但简对此表示拒绝,不承认委托书。这引发了一系列的猜疑和争执。其次是附近老酒馆客栈的客人对城堡表现出兴趣,这也增加了事件的复杂性和神秘感。
When Chris Shaw takes his friends out to an isolated house to make a web video, they summon an evil spirit and must fight for survival once it begins to hunt them down....
It recounts the unusual story of a Frenchman and an Indian man brought together by a cow that has fallen from the sky. Ajith turns up in France under mysterious circumstances....
The Ceddo try to preserve their traditional African culture against the onslaught of Islam, Christianity, and the slave trade. When King Demba War sides with the Muslims, the Ceddo kidnap his daughter...
Chris Cubas是一名喜剧演员,也是德克萨斯州奥斯汀市的打工人。奥斯丁是整个国家贫富差最大的城市之一,克里斯计划找出原因。他将在接下来的一个月里成为“百分之一”的富人,他有3万美元,需要在30天的时间来花掉它。他将用这些钱来接触他一无所知的那1%的人,看看为什么富人越来越富而穷人却一直穷。然而,依靠暂时的富有进入了富人圈,却让他更加明白要想让一个有钱人,金钱、服装或在高尔夫球场上闲谈是远远不...