因为一次跳伞事故,白人富翁菲利普Philippe(弗朗索瓦·克鲁塞 François Cluzet 饰)瘫痪在床,欲招聘一名全职陪护。由于薪酬高,应聘者云集,个个舌灿莲花,却无法打动他的心。直到黑人德希斯Driss(奥玛·赛 Omar Sy 饰)的出现才让他作出决定。德希斯刚从监狱出来,背负家庭重担,一心只想寻张辞退信以申领救济金,而且他明显对女助理的兴趣要远大于这份工作。但是菲利普还是一眼相中了...
二战后,英国律师William Collyer(西蒙·拉塞尔·比尔 Simon Russell Beale 饰)的妻子Hester Collyer(蕾切尔·薇兹 Rachel Weisz 饰)邂逅了退役的飞行员Freddie Page(汤姆·希德勒斯顿 Tom Hiddleston 饰)。生活空虚寂寞的Hester和年轻英俊的Freddie陷入了一段不伦之恋。此事不久即被Hester的丈夫Will...
In a world where the government records and taxes dreams, an unassuming dream auditor gets swept up in a cosmic journey through the life and dreams of an aging eccentric named Bella. Together, they mu...
Desperate to experience true emotion, a young woman, CARYS, regularly attends the funerals of strangers. But she's unprepared for the secrets she must keep and the lies she must tell when, at one fate...