三个无家可归的男孩,两个兄弟,他们是好朋友,住在俄罗斯的铁路车站。有一天,他们决定去在寻找一个更美好的明天。他们想越过边界偷偷进入波兰,寻找他们想要的一切,可是孩子们还没有家庭,朋友,幸福... ... Dorota Kędzierzawska's film tells the story of three homeless Russian boys who travel to Po...
本片从证明了费玛最后定理的安德鲁‧怀尔斯 Andrew Wiles开始谈起,描述了 Fermat's Last Theorm 的历史始末,往前回溯来看,1994年正是我在念大学的时候,当时完全没有一位教授在课堂上提到这件事,也许他们认为,一位真正的研究者,自然而然地会被数学吸引,然而对一位不是天才的学生来说,他需要的是老师的指引,引导他走向更高深的专业认知,而指引的道路,就在科普的精神...
Henriette and Louise, a foundling, are raised together as sisters. When Louise goes blind, Henriette swears to take care of her forever. They go to Paris to see if Louise's blindness can be cure...
The story follows a recent divorcee who spends her daily commute fantasizing about a seemingly perfect couple who live in a house that her train passes daily, but something shocking happens there on...