A group of activists break into a government facility in hope to expose what they're doing.. Only to realise they are in more danger than they could of ever imagined when a wild beast breaks free....
When a new teacher arrives at school he finds students that are extremely well behaved and soon uncovers a special class of very young children forming a hive mind, keeping the students and teachers c...
When a woman's husband disappears during a kayaking trip, everyone assumes that he drowned. When she catches a glimpse of a man who looks exactly like him, it sets off a chain of events that unravels ...
肖恩(Channing Tatum 饰)本是一个在街头兜售盗版的青年,然而一次街头争执,让他结识了两个改变自己命运轨迹的人。票贩哈维(Terrence Howard 饰)同时也做着地下拳手经纪人的行当,他看中了肖恩的敏捷身手,引领他进入收入不菲的地下拳击圈。单身母亲祖莱因一本盗版书与肖恩结缘,两人的感情稳步发展,但肖恩却并不知道,祖莱与哈维之间有千丝万缕的联系。...
一天上午,有人坠楼摔死在一辆货车上。负责调查的警探博登(克里斯·梅西纳 Chris Messina 饰)来到现场后发现第一现场并不在货车停靠的位置,而是在不远处的一栋大厦。与此同时,这栋大厦的一处电梯突然故障,悬停在20层附近,电梯中的三男两女被困。大厦保安派去的维修人 员也未能解决故障。封闭的电梯里,五人因持续被困而情绪焦躁并争执起来。就在此时,电梯内的灯突然熄灭了十几秒钟,短暂的黑暗过后,其中...