Five teenagers compete to win a mansion owned by entrepreneur and scientist Atticus Virtue. To win the teens must face-off against a super computer named HAVEN who controls the mansion....
It's Halloween eve on Shelter Island, and the small town is preparing for a killer storm. But the dark clouds gathering over the island are bringing with them a curse one-hundred years in waiting....
空中监狱是美国运送全美最危险的罪犯而专设的飞机。卡麦伦(尼古拉斯•凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)坐上这趟飞机,不是因为他罪恶滔天,而是他为了赶在女儿生日那天,亲手给女儿一份礼物而申请的一次飞行。他在狱中表现良好,典狱官答应了他这个请求。然而,却有一个难题——在这趟飞机上,还押送着一帮杀人狂魔。 警探非常留神随时可能出现的危险,但防不胜防的是,飞行过程中那帮暴徒还是挟持了飞机上全部的警察,...
THE GAME WARDEN is a surreal dark-comedy about the life of Dan, a Wildlife Officer who suffers from severe anxiety and grief after a bear attack claims the life of his son....
工程师詹宁斯(本·阿弗莱克 Ben Affleck饰)是个高科技天才。他屡屡受聘于各种项目研究,获得丰厚酬劳,但为了高度保密,条件是完工后他必须被删掉大脑中的短期记忆。此次詹宁斯的任务报酬达到了天价,而他必须花费长达几年的时间投身于这个新产品研发。 当产品完工后,令人意外的事情发生了。詹宁斯竟然没有得到承诺的报酬,取而代之的是一个信封,里面装着一封他自愿放弃酬劳的声明。 詹宁斯大为惊讶,当他要...