本片围绕一位年轻的雕刻家艾里克(鲁特格尔·哈尔 Rutger Hauer饰)与美艳女郎奥尔加(莫妮卡·梵·德·冯 Monique van de Ven饰)展开,讲述两人之间一段刻骨铭心的孽缘情债。一起车祸让天性崇尚自由欲望的艾里克,邂逅美艳女郎奥尔加。从此他终日沉迷于暴力虐待式的床第之欢。当奥尔加远嫁美国后,艾里克重陷孤独,他只能以更加疯狂的性欲来发泄心中的痛苦。然而当两人再次重遇时,那段刻骨...
When Pete and Omar lose their beloved Gran they go in search of Omar's estranged father, confronting him on the day of his daughters engagement party....
8 contestants compete in 8 deadly, classic children's games. They seek fame beyond their wildest dreams, competing for the chance to take over the YouTube channel of the famous yet elusive maske...
纽约市市长约翰(阿尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino 饰)为人成熟老练,处事圆滑,是政坛当中的一把好手。副市长凯文(约翰·库萨克 John Cusack 饰)尽管资历尚欠,但凭借着一腔热血和年轻气盛,亦将自己的事业经营得风生水起,在这一老一少两人的完美配合之下,纽约这座繁华的城市每日都显得如此生机勃勃。 某日,发生了一起意外事件。在警方和毒贩的交火中,一名无辜的黑人男孩不幸中弹丧生。这起敏感的事件在...
A developmentally delayed 40 year old man named Shonzi is sent to live with his brother Todd. But when Shonzi develops a crush on Todd's new girlfriend Lindsay, he threatens to reveal past secre...