1864 After a huge battle and the brutal shelling of the population of Atlanta, Federal troops ("Yanks") take control of the city. Their plan is to use all of the goods remaining in the wareh...
Lukas, a young farmer whose family is killed by savage raiders in the countryside, sets out on an epic quest for revenge, forming an unlikely molikan.com trio with a majestic dragon and a swashbucklin...
纽约平淡的一天,临近退休的老警探杰克•莫斯利(布鲁斯•威利斯 Bruce Willis 饰)却接到了一个吃力不讨好的任务:穿行16片街区,护送一名犯人上法庭作证。 这本该是件极其轻松的事,从警局到法庭的车程只有15分钟,唯一的麻烦看上去也只是罪犯艾迪(茅斯•达夫 Mos Def 饰)滔滔不绝的废话而已。然而事实却远不止于此,一次针对艾迪的暗杀行动让杰克发现了幕后的真相:所谓的上庭作证不过是个幌子...
For the two 13-year-old blood-brothers Alex and Ferry, Hitler's war is an exciting game – which is not surprising since they live in a backwater town ignored by the Allied bombers. The only thing that...