父亲的突然去世让汤米(安东·尤金 Anton Yelchin 饰)一家人陷入了混乱,家庭无人照料一片狼藉,母亲终日哭泣郁郁寡欢,就在这样一种糟糕的情况下,汤米迎来了自己躁动又不安的青春,无处发泄的他只能通过调皮捣蛋来纾解心中的积怨。辍学后的汤米在一家熟食店打工,负责送货。 汤米和朋友帕鲁帕斯(罗宾·威廉斯 Robin Williams 饰)成天厮混在一起,帕鲁帕斯是一个外表成熟但心智幼稚的“大龄...
About a handsome young soccer player Jake Graham who believes he is going insane, unable to shake the feeling of being stalked by something, by someone....
布鲁斯·威利斯将主演马特·伊斯坎达里([深水区])执导的动作惊悚片[长夜](The Long Night,暂译)。影片讲述两个冷血罪犯闯入一个市井医生家中,为其中一个因抢劫失败身负重伤的罪犯治疗。然而这位医生并不具备治疗罪犯伤情的医学技能,医生该如何保护他的家人呢?影片将于6月3日佐治亚州哥伦布开机。...
柏林电影节特别展映 21-year-old Cioma Schönhaus won't let anyone take away his zest for life, especially not the Nazis. He wants to discover life, but has the misfortune of living as a Jewish person in B...