A group of mercenaries are hired to overthrow a Neo-Nazi stronghold nestled deep in the heart of Texas only to discover they are protecting nuclear codes that could ignite World War III....
暴风雨侵袭中的大西洋城,一场拳赛正在体育馆中预备上演,当地警探瑞克(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)在敲诈赌客之余亦不忘为老拳王泰勒打气。这场比赛同时吸引到了国防部长莅临现场,担任部长护卫的海军长官凯文得以同老友瑞克见面,两人相谈甚欢。拳赛开始后,一名红发女子吸引了凯文的注意,另一名银发女子则与部长交头接耳,泰勒中拳倒地的刹那,部长中枪,凶手被凯文当场击毙。瑞克为自责中的凯文出谋划策...
Max, a 12-year-old entrepreneur is forced to close his business operated from his garage and move with his father to a remote village in the countryside. When Max discovers chickens in the old, abando...
Paul does not know how to say no. He goes from job to job, from man to man, without knowing what tomorrow will bring. This Wednesday, he is looking after the eight-year-old son he did not raise. He ha...
One day, you fell from the sky. I never knew loving somebody could bring so much happiness. I see the world differently because of you. I am a different person because you live in my heart....