A contract killer, becomes the reverend of a LA church, until a cult leader and his minions kidnap his daughter. Blinded by vengeance, he cuts a bloody path across the city. The only thing that can st...
Lilah becomes a swinger and her world changes overnight. Once she experiences the pleasures of lovemaking - she goes beyond all boundaries and becomes the seductress....
泛消费公司已完全掌控了底特律市之后,与日本金光财团合作组建OCP,在底特律开发三角洲城,并招揽雇佣兵组成暴力改建队,驱逐居民,相当数量的拆迁地居民为捍卫家园组成武装力量反抗财阀的不义计划,女童妮科(Remy Ryan Hernandez 饰)凭借高超的电脑技术在反抗军中表现抢眼。机器战警墨菲(Robert John Burke 饰)与老搭档路易斯执行任务期间偶然发现了居民们的藏身地点,出于正义感,...