Another brilliant giallo thriller from director Francesco Barilli, whose THE PERFUME OF THE LADY IN BLACK was one of the genre's most haunting and original films. This Italian-Spanish follow-up is...
理查德是一名飞行员,退伍后,他在一家酒吧打工,认识了同事芭芭拉(安娜·玛西 Anna Massey 饰)并与之相爱。性格粗暴的理查德同老板发生口角后被开除,身无分文的的只得投奔前妻布伦达(Barbara Leigh-Hunt 饰)。布伦达经营着一家婚姻介绍所,她友善的接待了理查德并偷偷的在他口袋里塞了一些钱。没想到几天后,布伦达在介绍所中被她与理查德共同的朋友鲍伯(巴里·福斯特 Barry Fos...
Ruby Asher is a widow who seduces and murders wealthy politician Nicholas Landon. His vengeful daughter soon hatches a scheme to bring Ruby to justice before she can strike again....