别名: El consul de Sodoma Jaime Gil de Biedma(豪尔迪 middot;莫利亚饰),西班牙加泰罗尼亚诗人,20世纪50年代西班牙文坛最重要的作家之一。1929年11月13日,他出生在巴塞罗那的一个贵族家庭。他的诗歌创作曾受艾略特和波特莱尔影响,早年作为共产主义同情者,他关注社会问题,用诗歌对西班牙的专政进行过强烈的抨击。
Follows Irati, a young girl who will guide a group of christian and muslim warriors through a journey in an ancient mythological world where everything that has a name exists, in an attempt to recover...
Max, a 12-year-old entrepreneur is forced to close his business operated from his garage and move with his father to a remote village in the countryside. When Max discovers chickens in the old, abando...