基特(亨利·戈尔丁 Henry Golding 饰)年幼时跟随着父母躲避战火,一家人从越南前往英国,之后就再也没有回去过。一晃眼三十年过去,基特的父母早就双双离开了人世,基特带着两人的骨灰打算返回越南,让双亲的魂魄能够在故乡的土壤里安息。 当基特踏上阔别了三十年的祖国的故土时,内心里百感交集。这里的一切都和他模糊的记忆截然不同,久远的过去对于基特来说仿佛一场快要消弭的梦。在越南,基特在社交软件上结...
Ròm is a young bookie in bustling Saigon. He tries everything he can to help the residents of an old apartment complex to keep their homes and to fulfill his dream of finding his parents....
Vietnam responds to the witty and grandiose Indonesian thriller “The Raid” (2011) astoundingly, with a lethal extravaganza of martial arts, full-capacity tension and adrenaline on trucks, boats and bi...
1965年西贡越战,死气沉沉的军方广播电台由于新DJ艾德里安·克绕劳尔(罗宾·威廉姆斯 Robin Williams饰)的到来,而突然变得生气勃勃。艾德里安每天以妙语如珠的风格主持早晨广播节目,幽默风趣。他的节目得到了士兵们的热烈欢迎。后来他还深入到了越南的民间生活,渐渐喜欢上了这个国家。然而他在节目中发表的跟军方宣传相抵触的言论,却使艾德里安遭到黯然下台的命运。...
Fanti (a combination of “fan” and “anti”, referring to extreme fans) marks Thao Tam’s first big-screen lead role. She accepted because she sympathized with the message of the film – about beautiful yo...