Bad Grandpa .5 gives you a whole new perspective on the world of Irving Zisman with bonus scenes and pranks also featuring Spike Jonze as "Gloria" and Catherine Keener as Irving's wife &...
拉萨雷校长面对警察工作难以及时到位的现状,再出奇思异想,推出“全民警察”计划,由警校负责培训社会志愿者,以加强警民联系。于是乎,马哈尼(斯蒂夫•古根伯格 Steve Guttenberg 饰)、高塔等六人组以及卡拉汉教官再次受命返回学校。与此同时,昔日的教官哈里上尉担心志愿者会影响警察们的工作,对拉萨雷的计划唱起了反调。警察学校方面的各毕业生迅速开展志愿者征集,引发哈里粗暴执法的滑板少年等人纷纷加...
A grad student kidnaps two homophobic high-school bullies to use as her subjects in an experiment performed at the bottom of an empty swimming pool....
When a musical dragon with a beautiful voice hypnotizes the dragons and people of Huttsgalor, the Rescue Riders have to find a way to break the spell....
Dancing teacher Leo (Fritz Karl) knows how to get the salsa-crazy girls dance- and into bed. As he breaks the heart of a talented dancer again, his boss fires him. Now things start to get tight for Le...