It's summer in the Portuguese countryside, where the local festivities take place. Chico is haunted by a hate crime committed in his village against a boy who was secretly close to him. Throughout...
The story revolves around Estelle, an incomparably professional long-haul pilot/captain who leads a perfectly structured life alongside her loving and protective husband Guillaume. Everything seems to...
改编自William Kamkwamba所著自传《驭风男孩》(The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind),讲述一个改变人生的故事:Kamkwamba本人在13岁那年,以小块金属废料、旧自行车零件和木材修建了风轮机,拯救了自己的村庄。 13岁的Kamkwamba因家里没钱交80美元一年的学费而被学校开除,热爱学习的他溜到学校的图书馆,找到了一种拯救饥荒村庄的方法:用父亲的自行车...
故事发生于美国和墨西哥接壤的边境地带,这里常年活跃着各个暴力团伙。巴蒂(克里斯·马奎特 Chris Marquette 饰)的父亲是负责管理这一片区的警察,在这里做警察,意味着随着都要面临死亡的威胁。这一天,巴蒂亲眼看着父亲受到黑帮的袭击,在自己面前死去了,愤怒之中,少年发誓一定要为父亲报仇,并且最终真的手刃了仇敌。
巴蒂还有一个弟弟雅各布(安东·尤金 Anton Yelchin 饰),父亲走...