Alone in Space is a high concept adventurous, warm and funny genre feature film that doesn't shy away from big questions about life and death. Alone in Space takes the audience on a ride with two kids...
Entrapped in his apartment, Randal Hendricks, a recent paraplegic, is given a gift of binoculars by his devoted girlfriend, Pam. But Randal is in financial debt to Emmie, a sadistic loan ......
In a small Scottish village, horribly murdered bodies keep turning up. Suspicion falls upon the residents of a nearby castle that is haunted by a curse involving a killer cat....
阿尼•科宁汉姆(Keith Gordon 饰)是某所高中内极不起眼的学生,他沉默寡言、木讷内向。父母对他没有过多关注,身边只有女友丽(Alexandra Paul 饰)和好哥们丹尼斯(John Stockwell 饰),再无其他朋友。 某天,阿尼看上一辆1958年产的二 手普利茅斯•复仇女神(Plymouth Fury),他立刻爱上了这辆车,毫不犹豫将其买了下来。但是阿尼的举止渐渐变得奇怪起来,...