20 years after her husband's death, a woman keeps more than just his memory alive. Needing help at home, she takes in a student, but soon detects a risk of losing her husband to the girl. Does t...
Julia Roberts主演并监制Apple TV 限定剧《他告诉我的最后一件事 The Last Thing He Told Me》。 本剧来自Reese Witherspoon的制片公司Hello Sunshine,改编自Laura Dave的同名小说,由Dave和丈夫Josh Singer (《聚焦》)共同创作。 剧版讲述Roberts饰演的女子,在寻找关于自己丈夫为何神秘失踪的真相时...
因和女友洛萍·哈瑞斯(莱丝莉·曼 Leslie Mann 饰)发生不快,房地产经营上史蒂夫·考维克斯(马修·布鲁德里克 Matthew Broderick 饰)被迫搬到一幢新的公寓。不久,有线电视安装人员杜哲(吉姆·凯瑞 Jim Carrey 饰)登门拜访。杜哲举止乖张,为人却颇为幽默开朗。两人由此成为好朋友,更相约外出游玩。在杜哲的指点下,史蒂夫成功赢回女友的芳心。然而杜哲似乎过于热情,他越...
An off-duty New York City Police Detective gets caught in an inner-city brawl between undercover cops convinced that he is a local street thug. The melee ends in a tragic death followed by an uproar...
Addressed to her 18-year-old daughter, the film delves into the patchwork psyche of today's young girls, connected to an infinite flow of ubiquitous Youtube tutorials (a formidable “expert” in j...