这是斯塔顿总统(丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid 饰)这几年来头一遭翻开报纸,没想到,关于自己的负面新闻以排山倒海之势扑面而来,大受打击的斯塔顿顿时陷入了郁郁寡欢之中,行为举止也日渐怪异。作为斯塔顿的得力助手,萨特(威廉·达福 Willem Dafoe 饰)感到十分焦急。竞选在即,不断下跌的支持率让他所支持的这位竞选人离连任的目标越来越远。...
After an accidental explosion at a local mine, dinosaurs emerge from the rubble to terrorize a small western town. Now, a group of gunslingers must defend their home if anyone is going to survive in a...
A Jewel thief named Frank Stone is a very deeply disturbed, anti social, milquetoast who finds no joy or humor in anything - until he awakens from a deep coma....