Heather,一个离婚不久的美丽女子,躲在一个僻静的峡谷的别墅里面享受难得的宁静,可是一对年轻的夫妇Marisa and Daniel的到访打破了宁静,而且暗流涌动,两夫妇一直在勾引她堕入欲望的深渊~后来甚至乾脆Marisa神秘消失,只留下Daniel和Heather独处一室..可是峡谷里面的秘密可不只这些......
A police officer videotapes his wife having various sexual encounters to spruce up their marriage, which soon lands both of them in hot water with a mobster whom blackmails them to videotape an encoun...
Marcus Du Sautoy wants to find out how close we are to creating machines that can think like us: robots or computers that have artificial intelligence.
His journey takes him to a strange and bizarre...