故事发生在堪萨斯州的一个小城里,当地的一名专替黑帮打官司的律师查理(约翰•库萨克 John Cusack 饰)平时运气平平,圣诞前夜却交了天大的好运。他和律师楼的拍档维克(比利•鲍伯•松顿 Billy Bob Thornton 饰)从当地黑帮老大比尔(兰迪•奎德 Randy Quaid 饰)那里弄到整整两百万美金!两人打算在圣诞节那天就携款远走高飞,查理还打算带上自己的红颜知己雷纳塔(康妮•尼尔森...
On the eve of June 28th, 2011 Swedish journalists Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson put everything at stake by illegally crossing the border from Somalia into Ethiopia. After months of research, pla...
An unrivalled musical and visual treat that showcases unique arrangements of Disney's most popular songs and gives insight into the life of world-renowned pianist Lang Lang. Through performance ...